Our Services 

Disability Connection Midsouth offers five core Independent Living (IL) services: Advocacy, Independent Living Skills, Transition to Community, Peer Support, and Information & Referral. 


People with disabilities are a powerful and significant part of our community, yet as a group, our social roles have been marginalized by bigotry, discrimination, poverty, isolation, dependency, and pity. Americans with disabilities have not had access to transportation, housing, and employment that other citizens have enjoyed; Disability Connection Midsouth will change that.

Disability Connection's advocacy priorities are centered around the barriers and discrimination people with disabilities experience. An Independent Living Specialist teaches self-advocacy and may work with people on individual advocacy issues. Together we can all work on systems-advocacy and the ongoing fights for justice in housing, transportation, healthcare, and equal access to our community.

Independent Living Skills

Independent Living (IL) Skills are the actions and knowledge that enable a person to live on their own. Developing a sense of independence can empower people, provide confidence, and give purpose.

Our IL Team works with people to create a plan to help reach goals, increase independence, and be a part of the community.

Disability Connection offers a variety of training topics including using a smartphone, basics of an Individualized Education Plan, housing, disability benefits, self-advocacy, emergency preparedness, personal finance, recreation and health.

Independent Living Skills can include every day activities such as learning to drive, riding the bus, kitchen skills, and being prepared to work.

Peer Support

Peer Support and Peer Mentoring encourages people with disabilities to become more independent and active in the community through the use of one-on-one peer support.

The Peer Outreach Program (P.O.P.) at Disability Connection Midsouth will assist people with disabilities to reach their goals through a one-on-one peer mentoring relationship. Peer support can promote independence, build lifelong advocacy skills, and develop future leaders in our community. 

The Grey Panthers, sponsored by DCM, are a peer-to-peer support group for seniors. It is our mission to support and share information to improve the quality of life for seniors.

Peer support may need to be age specific or it can be a combination of age and disability support that an individual needs. People with disabilities who have first-hand experience may be the best resource to help individuals overcome barriers.

Information and Referral

Disability Connection Midsouth can help you find the resources you need. An Independent Living Specialist can help you find the information you are looking for and give you a peer perspective on the local programs and resources available. The Center may also refer you to other providers for additional services toward independence. We will follow up with you to ensure the resources we provided were helpful.

Examples of Information and Referral Topics: